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Catalog Files Location


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I'm using Retrospect Pro 7.5. Currently, my 'Retrospect Catalog Files' directory is under 'My Documents' and I would like to change the location, but can't seem to find a way to do that... there doesn't seem to be a setting in Preferences or anywhere else. Can someone tell me how to change it, without having to reinstall and set it at install time?


Thanks for the help!


- Jim

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Hi Jim,


The catalog file location is determined when you create each backup set (unless you go through the backup wizard, then you won't have that option). If you perform a recatalog of the backup sets you can select where to store them at that point.


Or, the easy way to do it would be to simply move the catalog files to where you want them located, then double-click on each to reassociate them with Retrospect.

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