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entire volume restore


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I'm using retrospect 7.5 for windows. I restored the entire volume of a dell computer xp pro/sp2. The backup set was 17 dlt tapes and all seventeen were scanned it took about 8 hours.

Question: Is the a better way to setup my backups so when having to do a entire volume restore I don't have to scan all 17 tapes.


Thanks for our help.

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When Retrospect performs a restore it compares the existing files on the hard drive with the files listed in the catalog file to determine what all needs to be restored. Then it pulls files it needs from whatever tapes they reside on. In your case it sounds like you had new and changed files spread across the entire set.


Something you can try to avoid this would be to regularly run recycle backups, perhaps rotating between two smaller sets of tapes rather than one large set. This way the maximum size of your backup is reduced, therby reducing the number of tapes that Retrospect can pull from.

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