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invalide line in txtsetup.sif after prep for disaster

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I am testing retrospect SBS standard 7.0.344 in a win sbs2k3 environment and after getting things built up, I want to test out the bare metal restore feature. So, I did a BMR on a client first, I went through the entire procedure(prep, burn CD, etc...) This worked just fine. The restored client works great.

Next, I tried to do a BMR on the server, but I find that the burned disc is rejected at boot time with the following error..

"Line 225 of the inf file \I386\TXTSETUP.SIF is invalid

Setup Can't continue. Press and key to continue."

I've upgraded from version 7.0.326 to the above mentioned 7.0.344 and retried with the same result. Google doesn't yield much...

I've looked at this file and found that the word "old" is conspicuously added to the end of line 225. I wonder if this is a mark that isn't dealt with?

This file is different than the txtsetup.sif file from the OS install disc. I presume that retrospect modifies it in order to do a minimal install?

Anyone seen this? Any advice would be very welcome.


Robert Mash

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hi robert,


i did a quick google search on your error, and everything i'm reading points to a hardware problem or a scratched CD. here are some quick links to check out, and i'll add some info at the bottom:












from the 2nd entry, quoting the last (M$):



Could be faulty hardware. Run memtest86 for at least an hour from a floppy (hope you have one).


Also make sure your windows cd is not damaged or scratched in any way.


You receive a file copy error while the Setup program is running

When you try to install Windows XP, you may receive one of the following error messages:

c:\$win_nt$.~ls\i386\asms\1000\msf­ t\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.cat is corrupt; it contains all zero's

Setup cannot copy the file file_name. Press X to retry, Y to abort


Note file_name is the placeholder for the file that Setup cannot copy,

INF File Textsetup.sif is corrupt or missing Status 14 SETUP CANNOT CONTINUE

This behavior may occur if any one of the following conditions is true:

• Your Windows XP CD-ROM is scratched, smudged, or dirty. Clean the Windows XP CD-ROM with a soft cloth, insert it in the CD-ROM drive, and then click OK.

• Your CD-ROM drive is not working correctly or the CD-ROM might be vibrating too much for the laser to accurately read the data. For more information about this problem, see your hardware documentation or contact the CD-ROM manufacturer.

• If you are using multiple CD-ROM drives, your computer may be trying to locate files on the wrong drive. If your hardware has a feature to disable CD-ROM drives that are not being used, disable the CD-ROM drives that you are not using.

• Your computer is over-clocked. Because over-clocking is very memory-intensive, decoding errors may occur when you extract files from your Windows XP CD-ROM.

• Try to use the default clock timings for your motherboard and processor. For more information about how to do this, see your hardware documentation or contact the motherboard manufacturer.

• Your computer has damaged or mismatched random access memory (RAM) or cache memory. For example, you might be using a combination of extended data out (EDO) and non-EDO RAM, or different RAM speeds.


Decoding errors may occur even if Windows appears to be running correctly. These errors occur because of the additional stress that is put on your computer when Windows tries to extract files and to access the hard disk.


To determine how to make your computer cache memory unavailable while you are running the Setup program, see your hardware documentation or contact your hardware manufacturer.

• Ultra direct memory access (DMA) is turned on in your computer's CMOS settings, and the data is moving too quickly.

• Change from DMA mode to Processor Input/Output (PIO) mode to lower your data transfer rate. If this does not resolve the problem, lower your PIO mode settings. The higher your PIO mode settings are, the faster your data transfer is.

• You are using a third-party memory manager.

• There is a virus on your computer.

If you continue to receive this error message, copy the i386 folder from the CD-ROM drive to your local hard disk, and then try to run the Setup program from your hard disk.


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Well, I've done a comprehensive memory test (it passed) and am continuing researching this problem.

(Thanks for your ideas by the way waltr)

I think the problem is the word "old" pasted to the end of the erring line in the txtsetup.sif file.


line 225:

289 = WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.MSXML2R_6bd6b9abf345378f_4.1.0.0_x-ww_29C3AD6A old


I may end un uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect and see if that clears it up. That'll tell me if it's just a corrupted local copy of retrospect or if there's a problem with the version in general.

Anyone got any theories?


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hi r,


if you *really* think it's just this "old" entry, i think you should edit it and reburn the CD. you could use something like daemon tools to mount the iso and edit what you'd like to before burning it again.


in fact, you should definitely burn it again just to make sure the one you are trying to use is not scratched or something. this error has been noted with scratched or defective CD's. it would suck to do a lot of research on this and discover that the answer is so simple.

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well, it turns out that I have a folder in the windows/WINSxS/... folder with exactly the name specified:

289 = WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.MSXML2R_6bd6b9abf345378f_4.1.0.0_x-ww_29C3AD6A Old

So, I wonder if the handling of this line is bad because of the naming irregularity?

I think Retro isn't handling something about the WINSxS dll files correctly.


At any rate, I can't spend any more time on this error. I'm going to just do a minimal OS install manually and then a full restore. This should represent a full BMR test and if necessary I can do this in the future if a real BMR is needed.

Thanks very much for your suggestions.

Robert Mash

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hi robert,


interesting. Retrospect's Disaster Recovery leverages the Windows Installer to install it's own minimal install for recovery. one suggestion i might make if you are going the route you cite above:


read about parallel installs and do that instead of a 'minimal' install. this is what DR is based on. that way you don't have to worry about having the exact software installed. once your recovery is done, delete the parallel install.

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