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Express HD "Can't save setup"


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I'm using Express HD 1.1.126 with XP and a Maxtor 1-touch drive. I was using 1.0 with W2000 on another computer and it worked perfectly, tried installing it on this computer and it didn't, wouldn't enter 'setup'. After reading these forums (have MS NET 2.0 framework installed) I installed the 1.1 update and now can proceed through setup, but when I click 'finish', I get the message:


"Can't save setup, check the selected drive to make sure there is enough free space."


There is a heap of space on my C: drive and on the Maxtor (I have deleted the old folder of restore points). I have checked the RetroExp folder in documents and settings and the files there get modified when I open and close Express HD, but not when I click 'Finish'.


Any suggestions?



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No replies yet, I've noticed some more about my problem:


When I click the "Backup now" hotlink on Express HD 1.1.126 it says the drive is not available... whether the drive is plugged in or not!!!


But when I go into setup, Express HD clearly shows me the Maxtor disk as "E:" and shows me how much space is left on it, then allows me to check the box to say that's where I want the backup!


I ran the Maxtor disk check and it's fine, shows up in explorer, copy files to and from it no problem.


Someone who knows this software please let me know what's going on!!! 1 month out of bac kup and counting...


Thank you,



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Your problem seems similar to mine (see how do I start from scratch) and others on this forum. There is a pattern of the express HD software screwing up then the 2 messages you get follow and no one knows how to get back to square one again. Have you tried duplicating or just drag & drop copies of the files you want to save? It's at least a backup but not as convenient as the express HD 'backup' with restore points etc. I can do a duplicate & drag & drop but that's all.


Hope some one out there can come to our rescue before I bin the lot!



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I had another go, removed the existing installation, re-installed Express HD 1.0 from CD, then 1.1 from Dantz website, no joy.


Someone on the forum suggested writing a small config file to instruct Express HD 1.0 to use .Net 1.1 (when .Net 2.0 is also installed), so I removed Express HD 1.1 again, re-installed 1.0 and added the config file. When I do this Express HD 1.0 just sits there 'updating status', using 2-4% CPU, for a long time (2 hours +, I never had the patience to let it run longer).


The problem I am having (with the 1.1 version) seems to be that it just can't 'see' the Maxtor HD to save on, perhaps that's something to do with it having other files on it? Maybe not a problem when the drive is empty (ie. when first purchased) - perhaps Dantz/Maxtor need to do some more testing. Alternatively, it could be something to do with the hidden partition on this machine used by Acer ERecovery software. There is something different about the way Express HD looks at the drives on my system. Everything else seems to see the Maxtor without trouble.


Anyway, I read the forums some more {not yet having had any helpful posts from Dantz... hint hint} and tried Retrospect 6.0 (from the Network folder on the Maxtor CD). It installs and works without trouble. Nowhere near as convenient as Express HD but at least it seems to work!!!! Reduces the anxiety levels too.


All the best with your problem Neil, and Dantz, please fix this software (then you'll have a less active forum... I can't believe the number of posts)



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If your drive is not seen by the software there is a connectivity problem. That is either a problem with the drive or in Windows.


Right click on the windows my computer icon and click on the system restore tab. Does the drive show up there? If not then there is a problem accessing the drive. Once that problem is resolved Retrospect Express HD will work as advertised.




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Hi Nate,


Glad to hear from you. The drive (E: on my system) is not showing up under the system restore tab (shows the C: drive only).


What next? I notice when I open 'my computer', the E: drive is listed as a hard disk drive, and under "Other" is listed "Maxtor Locked Drive" of type "System Folder".


Thank you,



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I have the exact problem as BenJones here, with three exceptions:


- my problems started after I deleted a restore point.

- after this, the starting page of Express says "10 restore points" but the restore point -page does not contain any restore points!!

- my drive shows up in the "System restore" -tab


Especially the missing restore points worry me... lots of important data in there...


Any ideas with these?

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Hi Ben Jones,


If system restore can't see it there is a problem connecting to the drive. You might need to reformat it in the Windows disk management tool.




Update to Express HD 1.1. If the problems continue delete the restorepoints.rbc file from your maxtor drive and restart the machine. Then launch Express HD again.




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Thank you natew, for your patience! smile.gif


First I updated to 1.1., no help... then I deleted the restorepoints.rbc -file and restarted. It started to build up the catalogue, but then it gave me an assertion failure!!!!


To be more precise, the error was:

"Assertion failure at arc.cpp-1593".


It said the error was logged to asser_log.utx, but I didn't find that log anywhere fron the computer or the HD. I also didn't find any help from the knowledgebase or anywhere else... iti seems that 1593 is a quite uncommon error... ?


I'm using Maxtor Onetouch II and Express HD 1.1 on WinXP Pro.



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