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verify LTO-3 tape Bad Backup Set Header Found


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I did a "Transfer Backup Set" from a File backup set stored on a NAS to an LTO-3 tape and got no errors in the transfer. I then did a verify media on the BackupSet created for the LT0-3 tape and the log found an error....


Executing Verify at 1/26/2006 6:19 PM (Execution unit 1)

To Backup Set ConfocalToTapeB...

Bad Backup Set header found (0x706dfca5 at 358,202,700)

54 files were not verified

1/26/2006 8:38:18 PM: 2 execution errors

Remaining: 482 files, zero KB

Completed: 381931 files, 371.3 GB


Does this mean the source backup set has an error that was copied to the tape, or is the tape bad with 482 files remaining to verify ?


Why didn't the transfer operation flag an error?

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It sounds like the tail end of this tape has some errors. Most likely a problem with the tape itself.


Did you have verification enabled in the transfer? If you run the verify again do you get the same error? It is impossible to predict when a media failure will occur. For it to happen out of the blue like this is quite possible.



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