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Building Recovery CD problem

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I am trying to make a recovery CD.

I can input Windows Product Key, but in the next step, when Retrospect 7 ask me

to insert Windows XP installation CD, Retrospect can't read it.


While Retrospect is running I can't read it also using Windows Explorer.

When I close Retrospect, Windows XP Install CD is readable again.


So Retrospect somehow change something and CD get unreadable.


I tried with Retrospect's Manage backup devices option. I can see my

NEC DVD_RW ND3540A revision 1.01 with the bold

driver version _NEC CD-R RDI(TAO)(1.56) in the list od avaliable devices.

I help file I can read if driver version is in bold, driver is compatible.


So Retrospect is reporting compatible driver, but it can't read my Windows install

CD disk.


I updated drivers to the latest version, but it doesn't help.


I tried with Retrospet's option configure CD/DVD, but it doesn't help.


What else can I do?







I am using:


Retrospect 7.0.326

Retrospect update

Windows XP pro

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There are two ways you could get around this. You can go to Configure>Devices, click on the environment tab, right-click on your dvd-rw drive and choose to ignore it. This should allow you to read the XP cd within Retrospect. You'll need to unignore the drive if you decide you want to use it for backups. An easier workaround would be to copy the I386 folder to your harddrive and point to it during the DR CD creation process.

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