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Restore problem


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I am using Retrospect Express with a WD external HD. I had just installed the software and new drive and was only using it to backup the My Documents folder. My laptop hard drive recently crashed and since getting it repaired and reloading windows I have not been able to figure out how to restore the files and their contents from the back up.


I have tried to "recreate" the backup and when I do i can see the snapshot of My Documents but when i try to restore it to my hardrive it just creates an empty folder that I can not open or delete. Any suggestions on how to retrive my files? If you need more info I would be happy to supply it as best I can. Thanks

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Go to the tools menu in Retropsect and choose to rebuild a catalog file. This will create an index of all the data saved in your .rdb files. Afterward you can open up the backup set properties in configure->backup sets to select other snapshots for restore.




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