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Having trouble setting "Run as" user


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I'm new to Retrospect, but experienced with administering computers. I'm trying to set the "Run as" user, but it doesn't seem to be working. I created an admin user named "backup" in Win2kPro. When I run Retrospect while logged in to a non-admin account, I get the message that says Retrospect needs to be run with Administrator privileges.


One thing the manual is unclear on is what to enter in the "Log on to" field. Is this the computer name, workgroup name, or domain name? (I'm not on a domain.) Entering the computer name is the only thing that works, so I'm guessing that's what it's looking for.


This is all on one machine, I haven't tried any client stuff yet.


So does the startup message mean that Retrospect is not logging in as the "backup" admin user?

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I've done a little more testing and it looks like there's definitely an issue logging in as the "backup" admin user. I have three account set up: "steve" (an admin user), "clinic" (a restricted user), and "backup" (an admin user). If I run Retrospect when logged in as steve, the Retrospect title bar says "BACKOFFICE\backup". If I run Retrospect when logged in as clinic, the Retrospect title bar says "BACKOFFICE\clinic" instead.


I've already experienced a big problem due to this. I'm trying to set up a strategy that includes using New Member backups. When I try to back up to the new member of a set while logged in as clinic, I get an error message -1017 saying "Can't prepare media. Insufficient permissions." It works fine when logged in as steve.

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I'm not sure I understand your meaning. The user named "backup" is an admin user. That's the user I have set up as the "Run as" user.


Are you saying the user running Retrospect must have admin rights? If so, I wouldn't see any point of having the "Run as" preference. Plus, that would be a major security hole. I don't want to give admin rights to someone just so they can run a backup.

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I use a "Retrospect"-Account, I created myself. It's a member of the administrators and the backup-operators-group. I use Win XP with SP2.


Later I had a few problems to backup "special Files" like ntuser.dat. I changed their security to full access for the "Retrospect"-User.


Retrospect (Program) runs normally on the account of the logged member. So it needs such rights to get all the files and to write for example the reports on special directories.

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