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What happens when media fills?


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I am new to Retrospect and have two questions.


1. Is there a way to prepare the media and name the media without manually running the backup the first time. For example if I was going to schedule a backup to a CD-RW. Can I name that media without manually running a backup on that media the first time?




2. Is there a way to have Retrospect automatically recycle the backup set when it fills instead of prompting for additional media. The deal is that I schedule this one backup on REV tapes and I want it to be as unattended as possible. When the media fills I would like it to erase the media and start the cycle over without user intervention. Is this possible?




I have to backup a large database file that changes daily. I fear that the media will fill quickly with the progressive backups and would like the program to erase the media, start the cycle again without user intervention.


Any help or guidance on this is greatly appreciated!

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Question #1:

not really. But you really don't need to either. If you want to name the disk ahead of time run a 1 MB backup to it. That will name the disk and leave it mostly empty.


Question #2:

Not with CD/DVD media. Backups saved on a hard disk can automatically remove old data when the disk gets full.


In your case you should schedule recycle backups to run every once in a while. I would also set the email notifications so that you know when the disk gets full.




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