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Backup Set Not Wanted


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Hi, I recently purchased my WD 160GB External HD and along with it came the Dantz software. I was using Retrospect 6.5 and was creating a backup. I thought that I was backing up data onto the external HD when what I really was doing was creating a backup set onto my original internal HD. This took up a lot of my original internal HD space, which I would like back. So I fiddled around and tried "forgetting" the backup set, which doesn't do much. So I was stupid enough to delete the backup set file from the Catalog File. Now I don't know how to reverse the backup set. Please help. I simply want help on how to delete the backup set to free up the space used by the backup set. Thanks.

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Go to configure ->backup sets and delete the backup set in question. Then you can create new ones and add them to your backups as necessary.


You can delete the catalog located in your "my documents" folder. You can also delete the folder named "Retrospect" at the root of the hard drive. It should be full of .rdb files.




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That means I will get the harddrive space that was taken up by the backup set? Also, when you mean the folder named Retrospect at the root of the hard drive, is it this:


C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect


Thanks for your help.

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I thought that I should clarify my issue. I bought a WD External and when I was using Retrospect, I clicked on BACKUP thinking it was going to go on my external. But instead it backed up my files on my internal to somewhere else in my internal. But when it was doing that, it took up more space on my internal, basically doubling the amount that was being used because it backed up everything. What I really wanted to do was to DUPLICATE, but I found out later. And I did a stupid thing and deleted my Backup Set A from my Catalog File. So how can I get rid of the backup to free up my hard drive space back to the amount I had before I even touched Retrospect?

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Do _not_ delete the Program files\Dantz\Retrospect folder. That is the Retrospect application.


There should be a C:\Retrospect folder with a bunch of .rdb files in it. The folder should be very big. That is the folder with the backup data you don't need.




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I deleted the folder, but it doesn't resolve my problem. Let me try to explain it further:


My internal hard drive space used to have about 95GB of free space. After I did the backup set thing with Retrospect, the free space became 65GB. Also, I failed to mention that while it was backing up, it froze 3/4 of the way. How do I get my 30GB back?

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Yep, emptied recycle bin. I was doing a backup. What I don't understand is why it backed up stuff back onto the internal hard drive. If my internal fails, there would be no way to restored the backup set. I have no idea what would take up 30GB right away. I'm pretty sure it was the backup set because when I was doing it, it asked me the amount of space I would like to reserve for creating the backup set.

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