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Cant restore files anymore (initally worked)

russian rocket

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I am trying to restore following HD upgrade.


Maxtor onetouchII 300 Gb and retrospect express HD


Initially retrieved about half my files without problems


Now I can’t retrieve any files, including ones I already restored


Drive diagnostics OK and everything else appear to be working


The number of the file AA000xxx varies, none of them are on the disc which seems to have only a dozen or so such named files. I have not deleted them but they are not there


error log


Executing DirectRestore at 05/12/2005 13:32

To volume Restore 15 on Local Disk (C:)...

-05/12/2005 13:32:47: Restoring from RestorePoint2

Additional error information for Disk Backup Set member "1-RestorePoint2",

Can't write to file E:\Retrospect Restore Points\Retrospect\RestorePoint2\1-RestorePoint2\AA000125.rdb, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

Additional error information for Disk Backup Set member "1-RestorePoint2",

Can't write to file E:\Retrospect Restore Points\Retrospect\RestorePoint2\1-RestorePoint2\AA000125.rdb, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

Trouble reading: "RestorePoint2" (19255138), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Additional error information for Disk Backup Set member "1-RestorePoint2",

Can't write to file E:\Retrospect Restore Points\Retrospect\RestorePoint2\1-RestorePoint2\AA000125.rdb, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

Trouble positioning: "RestorePoint2" (19255138), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "RestorePoint2" (19255138), error -102 (trouble communicating)

05/12/2005 13:32:52: 3 execution errors

Remaining: 1 files, 20 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:04

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the disc scan says everything OK


the .rdb files are missing


File restore software can Identify them on the disk and 99% are in "excellent" condition


Do the .rdb files contain the data.


if I retreive them to another HD how can I process them (retrospect hd only recognised the external drive)


I do not want to write any data to the ext HHD until I have sorted this out

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Here is what I would do:

Install Retrospect Express HD and run "setup". Set the program to back up to another hard drive. (This will create some folders on the hard drive.)


Then using windows, manually copy all the RDB files into the Retrospect Restore points\Retrospect\RestorePointx\1-RestorePointx folder. The "x" should match the number of the current restore points on the damaged disk.


Then delete the Retrospect restore points\Restore point x file.


Relaunch Express HD. It should detect your backup files and automatically recatalog them.


You could also download a trial version of Retrospect 7 and try to restore that way.




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