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Possible Conflicts????

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Ok so im going nuts. Im not sure if it is Retrospect 6.5, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, or our external Maxtor Drive but something is fishy. Everything has been working fine, but now as of last week things have been going nuts. Restrospect locked up my server and the server restarted. When it trys to do the daily backups to our external Maxtor harddrive it uses 100gb of space to store 50gb of information. And it takes like a day and a half to do the backup, which is probably because it is running off of usb 1.1, that can be resolved. Basically im looking to see if anyone has heard of anyconflicts between these devices or has anything that i may have overlooked, like checking a checkbox or something to that effect. I havent been able to get a successful backup since it messed up and did 100gb thing, since it just locks up, or crashes, or just all together ignores me.



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