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R.E.6/1-Touch ll and .net problems...HELP!


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To get around the issue of Retro Express HD and .net 2.0 incompatibility I uninstalled everything. Then installed Maxtor drivers only and R.E. 6, hoping it would work. This was done reluctantly because I find the RE6 interface far too complicated and unfriendly.




I've done this twice now and when I click the desktop 1 touch icon and go to "Set up & restore" I get the screen below. Retro Express 6.0 does run from the Start Menu OK but doesn't seem to want to connect to Maxtor.




My questions are:


Will RE Express HD ever be compatible with .net 2.0 (which is final now) and what do I do about this screen I get? frown.gif





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I had the same experience. After installing the OEM version of Retrospect Express from the CD in place of the HD version, I could not run a complete backup and verify. It kept appearing to timeout and was reporting undefined errors - at 58 errors, I closed the program. Where is that patch folks?

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I couldn't even get RE6 to recognise my external hard drive. All it saw were my system drive amd my optical media drives, not even any other partitions on my main HDD.

Now that I think back, I tried this before and despite "fixes" it never worked.


So I wonder if I'll ever hear from anyone here, or directly from Dantz or Maxtor regarding a patch for RE HD? I'm not holding my breath.


I do hope it happens eventually as I don't like falling behind in updates from Microsoft.



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