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SCSI-device disappearing

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I have a problem which probably is Apple or SCSI-related more than Retrospect.

Setup: XServe G5, 10.3.9, ATTO Express PCI UL 3S, Sony SDX-900V AIT4 single drive, SCSI-RAID also attached to the same interface with the AIT first in the chain. ATTO-Driver version 3.2.0, ATTO-firmware 1.6.6f0. Retrospect 6.1.126, driver update 6.1.101


Problem: The setup works fine for a while, but after a few weeks of use, the system stops seeing the AIT-drive, and obviously it's not available in Retrospect either. However, the RAID is always available. Reseting the SCSI-bus with ATTOs configuration tool makes the AIT-drive available again, but obviously unmounts the RAID as well. A shutdown fixes the problem as well. Is there a simple way to just reset everything, for instance in a Cron-script or within Retrospect itself? Any ideas on how to achieve stability?

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Having a tape drive on the same bus as a RAID is not such a great thing. They use different communication methods so problems can result. I suspect that is what is happening here.


I'ts not cheap but a second SCSI card for your RAID would probably clear this up.




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