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Summertime / Wintertime


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I am just wondering, why my weekly backup script always starts a complete backup (not a normal one) each time twice a year after the changing from summertime to wintertime and the other way. Instead of only saving a couple of files that have changed during the week Retrospect starts allover and saves the complete partition like a recycle backup, however appending the contents to the existing tape, not erasing it.


Why does Retrospect act this way, how could I suppress this behaviour?




Ulrich Thiele

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Are you using a Macintosh? This is the Retrospect for Windows forum.








no, I use Retrospect for Windows in version 6 (however backing up a Mac mapped network drive is yet another story, that does not work, with or without client installed frown.gif ).





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The backup target is either a LTO tape (weekly) or a ATA harddisk (daily), controlled by different scripts.

The source are mapped harddrives, running under Linux and Windows.


To find out, I have installed Retrospect on 2 different machines, and also I did backups from different computers within the network and from the local harddisk, but no solution: The day, summertime is switched to wintertime (and back), Retrospect performs always (for years now) a complete "normal" backup. It seems to forget all about its database that day.


Timeserver: I tried to manually correct the one hour difference on all computers, I tried it via timeserver (to have exact the same time on each computer within the network). No help. The only thing that might help is not to change the time on each computer, but this actually seems not an appropriate solution.




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The mapped hard drives will cause this problem. Retrospect takes time stamps on network shares at face value and does not calculate UTC offsets. When the summertime/wintertime changes the time stamp of on the files actually changes. Retrospect sees that the files have changed and backs them up again.


You can avoid this problem by using Retrospect client to access your network computers.




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Hi Nate,


thank you very much for this information! Now at least I have a clue, why this happens.


I tried to solve this problem (and others too) by installing a client on a Mac 10.4, which did not work however. I found a couple of threads in this forum regarding the issue. Finally I gave up on it. Ok I will try to install a client on our Linux server, that might fix the summertime problem on this side.





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