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Exabyte EZ17 Problem

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We are experiencing kind of an odd problem with our EZ17. If I manually load and unload tapes using Retrospect, the unit works fine. If I use the Scan All Media options, it loads the first tape, then just stalls. It doesn't read the tape or do anything else. If I force quit and try to go back to configure devices it stalls looking for devices. The exact same hardware works perfectly under OS 9..2.2 using the same version of Retrospect. it also seems to have trouble loading tapes. I can hear the tape popping in and out of the drive several times before it actually loads. This also does not happen in 9.2.2.




Retrospect Version and build - 5.0 build 205


Computer Model and speed - G4 800


OS X version and build - 10.1.4 SQ125


Device (from Retrospect's Configure > Devices > Device Status window) Tape drive - Mammoth2


Robotics - exb210


Device firmware (in the version column of the Device Status window) Tape Drive - v05c


Robotics 1.10


Device interface Ultra 160 SCSI


Media brand and size Exabyte 225M Mammoth2


Other Devices none


Adapter Card Adaptec 29160 (also tried (39160)


Adapter Card firmware 1.0


Adapter Card driver for OS X 1.10



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I'm having the same problem on my setup, which is the same as yours except I'm using a dual 1 GHz G4, and my firmware is v03a (or something like that... it's v03something. I'm not sitting right next to it this second). I'm running OS X Server 10.1.4, Adaptec 29160 (driver 1.1), Retrospect 5.205. This problem has brought down our entire server twice this morning (i.e. the Mac had to be completely rebooted because I couldn't get out of the hangup via force quit.)!




Hey Dantz... what's the deal here? My company has spent a whole lot of $$ on this setup, and it's not working at all! Individually, every part of the backup equipment is supposedly supported under OS X... Adaptec supports the 29160 card under X, Exabyte supports the EZ17, Retrospect is questionable on the 29160, but it supports the 39160 and 29160N, which are the same product family as the 29160. What's the problem with this setup?









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So far it's been performing it's backups ok. Just don't ask it to scan media. For what it's worth, we used a 39160 card for a while also, and had the same results. Don't think it's the cards.




It is very frustrating to buy all this equipment and software, having done the homework to make sure you have compatible parts, and still not have it work. The whole setup works fine under Mac OS 9.





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I know exactly what you mean! We're having to find an alternative in the meantime... scavenging an old ATTO Express-PCI card from an older G4 server to work with the Exabyte, while the 29160 works specifically with our RAID... haven't tested it yet. Hoping it will work, cause we haven't had a successful Retrospect backup since we installed our new G4 servers over a week ago. I've got over 40 GB of user data that's uber-important with no useful backup! We wanted to have the 1 SCSI card in the machine to simplify things, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen that way. Here's hoping Dantz will address this issue soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I am going to need to know is what IDs do you have the drive and the loader on?




Please put the Drive at a lower ID (3 apart from the Loader ID).




This normally helps this situation with this drive.





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