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are these error messages significant?


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I just made the first backup with retrospect 7 using winxp backing up to a firewire hard drive. I used compression and verification. These error messages were in the log-


File "C:\WINDOWS\repair\Backup\BootableSystemState\Registry\system": didn't compare at offset 2,089,038 in stream "Data"

File "C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\msoeres.dll": didn't compare at offset 1,050,098 in stream "Data"

File "C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\termmgr.dll": didn't compare at offset 144,771 in stream "Data"

File "E:\Tiger Woods\Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2005\Data\Images\Intro\CreatePlayer\thumbnails.tbf": didn't compare at offset 1,118,195 in stream "Data"

File "G:\SAVE\backup\Program Files\MSN Gaming Zone\Windows\bckgres.dll": didn't compare at offset 1,126,006 in stream "Data"

File "G:\SAVE\fonts new\PMINGLIU.TTF": didn't compare at offset 7,298,062 in stream "Data"

File "G:\SimCity 3000\Game\Res\UI\Shared\MAIN.IXF": didn't compare at offset 6,807,054 in stream "Data"


Are these important and if so what should be done? Thanks. ooo.gif

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I did another backup and there were no errors. I assume this means the original errors were insignificant but why would they have occurred? Also the total size of the data backed up was 66 gigs to a firewire hard drive with compression and verification. The backup took 6 hours and the backup file was compressed to 60 gigs. Do these numbers sound right or was the backup slow? The performance was about 350 mg/min. Everything was turned off including antivirus software. If there is any way to speed this up I'd sure like to know how. Thanks. grin.gif

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