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Retrospect 6 Express Hangs During Verify To Maxtor One Touch II USB


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I am having trouble using Retrospect 6 express to backup to a Maxtor One Touch II USB external drive. Retrospect frequently hangs during a verify. It seems to randomly hang on different files each time. To get out of it I have to use the task manager to kill Retrospect. I have this problem about 80% of the time.


I have searched this forum for help and I have seen other posts with the same problem but no real solutions. My system is up-to-date and I have not had any problems with any other USB devices. Even if is it s USB problem Retrospect should not just hang forever.


Any ideas on debugging or solving this problem would be appreciated. Is there any way to turn on more detailed logging so I can see what the problem is?





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Windows XP Professional SP2


I have run chkdsk on the drive and did not find any problems. I have tried different USB ports and I have tried disabling Norton Antivirus. The problem only occurs while verifying, I have never seen the problem while backing up to the drive. It is probably a USB communication problem but I am not sure how to go about finding it.





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Open up device manager and get properties on the USB disk. Select the "optimize for quick removal" setting and try a backup. This will slow down the transfer speed but it may be more stable.


Make sure you have disabled XP system restore for the drive.




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Tried "optimize for quick removal" and I still have the problem. System restore is not enabled for this drive. It would be nice if there was a way to find out what Retrospect is waiting for when it hangs. Once this problem happens the only way to quit Retrospect is to kill it using the task manager.


Would upgrading to a newer version of Retrospect help fix this problem?

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An upgrade won't help because it isn't a problem with Retrospect. The commutication problem you mentioned is a hardware issue.


Can you try connecting this drive to another computer and running a backup? That way we will know if the drive is to blame or not.




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