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Dozens of e-mails on scheduled stop time reached

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Using R7 MS. Due to some corruption in the catalogue of one of my four disk sets that are set to groom automatically, I set one set to Recycle. I know there isn't enough time in the 6 hour window to do a complete backup, so I expect the script to terminate at 8 am and complete the back the following evening.


I'm getting dozens of e-mails, all sent at about the same time (8:01 am), that the script terminated. There are multiple entries in the log (see below) as well as errors about the e-mail address being invalid, yet I receive the e-mail.


Any idea what's going on here?




+ Normal backup using Network at 6/8/2005 2:00 AM (Execution unit 1)

To Backup Set Disk 4...


- 6/8/2005 2:00:01 AM: Copying NT 4 (C:) on nsaserver

6/8/2005 2:00:01 AM: Connected to nsaserver

TFileLocappl.gifGetParent: folder is root, "C:"

6/8/2005 2:32:43 AM: Snapshot stored, 71.0 MB

6/8/2005 2:32:49 AM: Comparing NT 4 (C:) on nsaserver

6/8/2005 2:33:42 AM: Execution completed successfully

Completed: 142 files, 125.9 MB, with 0% compression

Performance: 118.9 MB/minute (100.7 copy, 148.0 compare)

Duration: 00:33:40 (00:31:33 idle/loading/preparing)



- 6/8/2005 2:33:45 AM: Copying Users (D:) on nsaserver

6/8/2005 8:00:42 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:39 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:38 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:37 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:36 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:35 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:34 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:33 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:28 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:27 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:24 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:22 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:21 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:16 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:15 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:12 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:10 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:00:09 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

E-mail notification failed: error -519 (network communication failed)

6/8/2005 8:00:04 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

E-mail notification failed: error -591 (invalid e-mail address)

6/8/2005 8:00:02 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

E-mail notification failed: error -591 (invalid e-mail address)

6/8/2005 8:00:01 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

E-mail notification failed: error -591 (invalid e-mail address)

6/8/2005 8:00:00 AM: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

6/8/2005 8:01:02 AM: Execution incomplete

Completed: 72405 files, 19.3 GB, with 5% compression

Performance: 65.6 MB/minute

Duration: 05:26:14 (00:19:16 idle/loading/preparing)


6/8/2005 8:01:03 AM: Execution incomplete

Total performance: 66.0 MB/minute with 5% compression

Total duration: 05:59:57 (00:58:20 idle/loading/preparing)

Location of backup report is C:\Retrospect Catalog Files\.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, That would be it then...


Proactive and email notification can produce some intersting results. Here is an example.


Lets say a proactive script starts but needs a new tape to continue. On screen you will get one media request. However you will get an email for every source volume in the script that can't backup because of the media request.


In other words you will get notified on a per volume level rather than a per script level. In your case you are getting notified for all the volumes that could not be backed up because of the cutoff time.


Does that make sense?




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This makes perfect sense, and explains the behavior I saw. The question is really: is this the way the program should behave?


I get one e-mail to tell me how much data was groomed from a disk set, and another e-mail telling me that the grooming job completed successfully. Isn't one message to say that a script had a problem enough to trigger a review of the log? Why a seperate e-mail for each volume failure? A list of the volumes in one message would be adequate, wouldn't it?



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This is the tricky bit. Ideally the email options would have more granular control. In future versions it likely will.


In the meantime you can use Retrospect Event handler scripts in paralell or instead of the built in email notification. Event handlers allow you to specify things like send 1 mail at script end/ script start etc.




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