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Assertion failure at "tmonitor.cpp-63"


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Hi! I'm hoping that someone can help me here. I can't back up my files!


Here's the skinny:


Maxtor Express v 1.0.196


-Automatic updates are not working (I only realized this via the warning message about not backing up for more than 7 days). There was no other error message displayed about why a backup could not occur.


-When I click "Back Up Now" nothing happens. The screen stays open but no action is taken.


-When I open the Maxtor main menu (w/setup + restore, drive mgt, & security settings) I can access drive mgt and security fine, but when click setup all the windows close.


I rebooted then launched retrospect and (finally) got an error message.


Here's the info from the assert log:


OS: Windows XP version 5.1 (build 2600), Service Pack 2

Application: C:\PROGRA~1\Dantz\RETROS~1\retrospect.exe,

Exception occurred on 6/6/2005 at 4:26:26 AM

Error info: Assertion failure at "tmonitor.cpp-63"


Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION

Fault address: 7C81EB33 0001:0001DB33 kernel32.dll



Thread ID: 00000C8C, Name: Execution thread


EAX:049DEB58 CS:001B EIP:7C81EB33 EFlags:00000206

EBX:00000001 SS:0023 ESP:049DEB54 EBP: 049DEBA8

ECX:00000000 DS:0023 ESI:049DEBE8 FS: 003B

EDX:00000001 ES:0023 EDI:049DEBE8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

kernel32.dll 0001:0001DB33 E06D7363 1 3 049DEBDC 0 1 E06D7363 1

msvcrt.dll 0001:0001172C 0 0 0 1 1 60078D14 1 049DEBF8

bdrock20.dll DebugHandler::Throw +6C E0000000 1 1 049DEC50 049DED50 600429D3 E0000000 1

bdrock20.dll assertLog +1B E0000000 1 049DEC50 'essA' 'oitr' 'af n' 'ruli' 'ta e'

bdrock20.dll Debug +63 6005EB40 0000003F 635B14B4 049DED7C 635318F5 635A0088 049DEDA0 'cW-:'

bdrock20.dll TMonitor::~TMonitor +52 635A0088 049DEDA0 'cW-:' 0 049DED84 'cW\m' 049DEDB0 63567DAA

PCVLDRVR.DLL TThreadVolTrak::~TThreadVolTrak+45 049DEDB0 63567DAA 0 0 1 049DED8C 0 049DEDF8

PCVLDRVR.DLL _$E2 +D 0 0 1 049DED8C 0 049DEDF8 'cVY|' 635889F0

PCVLDRVR.DLL _doexit +6C 0 0 1 63565B8C 0 049DEE08 63565C98 63500000

PCVLDRVR.DLL __cexit +B 63500000 0 1 0 049DEE1C 002545C8 1 049DEDE0

PCVLDRVR.DLL __DllMainCRTStartup +9A 63500000 0 1 002545C8 0 002546B8 049DEEAC 7C923F31

ntdll.dll 0001:000001A7 63565BFE 63500000 0 1 1 7C90E88E 0 00000014

ntdll.dll 0001:00022F31 049DF908 0 0 0 '1~SO' 'ter\' 'psor' '.tce'

kernel32.dll 0001:0001BA3E 1 77E8F3B0 -1 049DEFC8 5A011F45 1 77D611E9 003376C0

kernel32.dll 0001:0001BAB6 1 77D611E9 003376C0 049DF8B8 5F04000A 2 10001010 10000000

klg.dat 0001:00010F45 2 10001010 10000000 0 049DF95C 60611D68 049DF008 049DF008

0000:00000000 1 00001388 01275A3C 03E33014 0023DDD4 049DF924 6060D069 03E32FFC

ENGINEHI.DLL execSetup +1CB 03E32FFC 01268034 000017EA 000012CC 1 000017B8 1 03E340B8

meson.dll ClassData::pass +1F9 0023DDD4 'Setu' 01268034 000017EA 000012CC 1 000017B8 1

ENGINEHI.DLL extoSetup +9B 03E32FFC 01268034 000017EA 000012CC 1 000017B8 1 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +64D 03E32FFC 'Setu' 01268034 000017EA 000012CC 1 000017B8 1

ENGINEHI.DLL execMakeThreadProc +44 0023DDD4 0150E228 01268034 000017EA 000012CC 1 000017B8 1

meson.dll doTask +21E 'Task' 00ECC0D0 0 0 049DFF14 049DFF14 '`dJ4' 049DFF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 03E28F4C 'Task' 00ECC0D0 0023DDD4 0150E228 01268034 000017EA 000012CC

meson.dll modThreadRoot +15B 0150DE78 0 0 003376C0 0 049DFF8C 804FA881 049DFFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000293B0 003376C0 0 0 003376C0 7FFAA000 82FC2600 049DFFC0 81929C00

kernel32.dll 0001:0000A50B



Thread ID: 00000C3C, Name: Remoting-0

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000C04, Name: rdacc server thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B9C, Name: RetroFrameThread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B98, Name: Volume tracker thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B7C, Name: Controller thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B74, Name: TS Quit request thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B70, Name: Quit handler thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000B6C, Name: Server thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31

Thread ID: 00000A34, Name: Main thread

** GetThreadContext failed LastError is :31





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Do you have this FTP address please? Further to yesterday's problem I'm now getting a similar assertion error at "tbuffer.cpp-373" and the Tech Support guy I spoke to is charging a completely unreasonable £50 to do anything about it (for £50 they should come to my house), and has no knowledge of a new version.


Let's hope my HDD doesn't crash before I can get my backup routine working again.



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