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Migrate Settings: 6v5 to 7v0 - Can config65.dat be used?

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Hi ...

For various reasons, we would prefer to do a CLEAN INSTALL of Retrospect 7v0 code

as opposed to an upgrade from 6v5. Retrospect 6v5 would be removed using

add/remove programs in control panel. The 7v0 installer expects different license

code(s), of course.


The file

c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Retrospect config65.dat

exists and is healthy.


Is there a way to migrate the same settings when doing a clean install ?

Can config65.dat be used successfully ?


If the above is *not* possible or advised, what is suggested ?


Thanks ...

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Even when you uninstall Retrospect the settings files stay on the disk. They are not deleted.


All you need to do is uninstall Retrospect 6.5, reboot and install 7.0. Your settings and preferences will be automatically imported.




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