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Failed backups - Error -808


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I am running WinXP SP2, with 768MB Ram on an Athlon XP 2400+. I added a Maxtor Onetouch II and had been running Retrospect Express HD since without any problems. I then added an external drive (no brand name) and things continued to work well. 48 successful backups without any errors. Now I have only 66GB left on the 300GB drive. I then added another external drive to the system (LACIE 250GB) and since then I get the above error. Here is the extact log:


Normal backup using DirectBackup3 at 23/05/2005 15:06

To Backup Set RestorePoint...

-23/05/2005 15:06:00: Copying Windows (F:)

Trouble matching Windows (F:) to RestorePoint, error -808 (key/refnum search failed)

Can't compress Catalog File for Backup Set RestorePoint, error -808 (key/refnum search failed)

Can't compress Catalog File for Backup Set RestorePoint, error -808 (key/refnum search failed)


This doesn't always happen with Drive F, sometimes it can be any of the other drives, including the Lacie.


I didn;t install any drivers for the Lacie as it seemed to work straight of the box with XP SP2.


Where should I go from here ans now I have no backups....





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I suspect you still have backups, there is just a problem with the catalog file. Try this:


Open up the drive that has your backup data stored on it and look for the RestorePoint.rbc file. This is the catalog or index of all the data you have backed up so far. Move this file to another disk or delete it entirely. Retrospect will then re-read your backup data automatically and create a new catalog.


That should take care of it.




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