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File "..." didn't compare at offset 90 (99) in stream

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I'm using Multiserver 7.0.265 for Windows on a Windows Server 2003 (nonSP1) both in English.


Every night I'm "duplicating" tons for files from an other server (network volume) to the internal RAID5 with a script and than "backup" all these into an archive on an external RAID5 (SCSI) with an other script. Everything is NTFS formated.


Both servers are Windows Server 2003, but most of the files were created by Macintosh Classic clients (Data Fork/Resource Fork!).


Every day I get a few dozend errors of the kind:

File "..." didn't compare at offset 90 in stream ":Comments:$Data"

File "..." didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:$Data"

All different files, but always these two errors!


This has something to do with the fact that these files were created on Macs, but where is the problem? Retrospect never had problems with Macs.


Any ideas?



Florian Pürner

Munich, Germany

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  • 2 weeks later...



Are these happening in the compare or copy phase? Most likely the files are open/in use so they may have changed in between the time they were copied and compared. A disk read or write error could also cause this problem




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Nate,


thanks for your answer. Sorry for the long delay, I was in thailand for 2 weeks. laugh.gif These errors are always happening in the compare phase. It is not possible that those files are open, because (as I wrote) I first "duplicate" the files from the place where they are used by the users to the internal RAID of the server and then "backup" those duplicated files (that nobody is able to use) to an external RAID. The errors are happening during this backup and not during the first duplicate.



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  • 2 months later...

Please help!


I still have the same problem: Every night I use Retrospect 7 to "Duplicate" the files from some other servers to the internal RAID of my Windows 2003 backup server. Then - in the early morning - I "Backup" these files (no user has access to these files) to an external RAID. And this backup gives me dozends of errors during compare: Here is the start of last nights logfile:


+ Normal backup using Backup auf externes RAID at 22.08.2005 04:00 (Execution unit 1)

To Backup Set Gerade Wochen...


- 22.08.2005 04:00:00: Copying Admin (F:)

22.08.2005 04:09:14: Snapshot stored, 83,2 MB

22.08.2005 04:09:16: Comparing Admin (F:)

File "F:\Admin-Server\Admin ƒ\Freie Programmlizenzen\Adobe Illustrator® 8.0\Pinsel-Bestände\Tiere.ai": didn't compare at offset 98 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Admin ƒ\Microsoft Office 2001\Office\Themes\neon\NEON.ELM": didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Backup Rita\Technik\Applications (Mac OS 9)\Microsoft Office 2001\Office\Themes\neon\NEON.ELM": didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Backup Rita\Technik2\Applications (Mac OS 9)\Microsoft Office 2001\Office\Themes\neon\NEON.ELM": didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Frank\alaska2\Ohne Titel-6.psd": didn't compare at offset 100 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Programme OS9\Layout\QuarkXPress Passport 4.1 Ordner\Documents\Was ist neu Drckmich": didn't compare at offset 98 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Programme OS9\Office\Microsoft Office 2001\Office\Themes\neon\NEON.ELM": didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

File "F:\Admin-Server\Programme OSX\Microsoft Office X\Office\Themes\neon\NEON.ELM": didn't compare at offset 99 in stream ":AFP_Resource:DATA"

22.08.2005 04:09:20: 8 execution errors

Completed: 70 files, 8.917 KB

Performance: 130,6 MB/minute (174,1 copy, 130,6 compare)

Duration: 00:09:20 (00:09:11 idle/loading/preparing)



The complete backup had 111 errors (all "didn't compare at offset...") last night!


Yes, these files were created on Macs, but this backup is running on a Windows server and it backs up the files from the internal to the external RAID. Not a single file can be in use, because no user hat access to either the internal or the external RAID.


What is going on?

Thanks for your help!


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