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Replacing a Damaged Firewire Drive

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We have recently migrated from a tape back-up drive to removeable firewire drives. We're using 4 drives in 2 sets of two, alternating the drives weekly. Unfortunately, one of my drives has become damaged and will not mount -- in short, I need to replace it and am wondering if I can simply name the drive the same as the damaged drive (Back-up set F, in this case), and the clients scripted to back-up to "set F" will do so. Thanks in advance for any help!

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It depends - are you using a "file" backup set or a "removeable disk" backup set. If you are using "file" you will have to create a new backup set. If you are using removable disk you should set the old disk as missing in the backup set properties and then continue backing up on the new drive.




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