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Sony DRU-710A versus DRU-700A

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Can anyone please tell me how to get a Sony DRU-710A DVD burner to work with Retrospect?


I have a Dell 340 running under Windows 2000 professional with Retrospect 6.5.350 updated with the most recent driver set (5.4.110).


On this machine I have an internal DRU-710A. Although this is not recognized natively by Retrospect it runs through the autoconfigure all tickity-boo. The only problem is that when I try and actually use it to do a backup it informs me the status of my drive is "unknown" and "locked".


To test for conflicts, media issues etc I put my external DRU-700A on in parallel - works like a charm. Such a shame the 700 needs to be elsewhere.


In my best "Fifth Element" voice "Please help..!!"

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Hi Nate,


I am using Verbatim DVD+R advanced azo 16x.


Used discs from the same spindle for both autoconfigure of the 710A (done that 2x actually) and the succesful backup with the 700A.


From other threads I get the sense that you are not too hot on verbatim but they seemed solid with the 700A (backup was of about 70gbytes and the only errors were some access errors for a few temporary files).


The other disc software I have running is Roxio easy media 7 but when using retrospect I make sure that I wait until it asks for a disc before loading a blank.



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