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Error: -1116


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Hi; Can't figure this one out. Doing a backup across network to other pc. Works fine on the initial backup. Then never works again...same error message below. I have a client on this other PC and I can browse it, etc.



ERROR1 - Automatic Backup Error


+ Retrospect version 6.5.350

Automatically launched at 3/30/2005 2:00 AM in user account Desktop1\Administrator

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 4.9.101

+ Normal backup using dailybackup at 3/30/2005 2:00 AM

Can't access Backup Set dailybackup, error -1116 (can't access network volume)

3/30/2005 2:01:28 AM: Execution incomplete

Quit at 3/30/2005 2:01 AM



ERROR2 - Backup Set Error (Click properties on the Backup set)


"Catalog file is damaged and cannot be used"

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I have removed config files. Start over new configs, resetup new backup sets. Same thing. First scheduled scripts run fine...the second times the scripts runs...can't file the volume or directory errors (-1116 or -1101).


"Catalog file is damaged and cannot be used" when I try to access the backup set...browse it or something.


Any one got any ideas?

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I would try this with a "disk" backup set instead. File backup sets are just one big file, depending on the OSes and filesystems involved big files can be problematic. Disk backup sets break the data into smaller chunks. They are also faster.




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