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restore from rdb multi-server 7

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I recently upgrade to a multi-server 7.0 (from multi-server 6.5).

I have different automated disck backup scripts producing rdb files.


I wanted to test the restore procedure at home. I copied all the directories which contains rdb files on a removable disk drive. I installed Retrospect, with of course no catlog files.


I thought I would just had to recreate the catalog files in order to restore my files but when I want to recreate the catalog, Retrospect ask me to choose the disk that contains the backup set Datas. I tried to choose the removable drive but he tell me he cannot find any backup set datas in it...


How can I restore the catalog file ?



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It doesn't work, but it's because I did a duplicate copy of the volume containing the rdb files.

Retrospect is then unable to retrieve the backup set informations...

I don't really understand why....but If I change my scripts it works

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