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Backup Client Reserved

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I'm running a windows 2003 server, with retrospect 7 (latest build), on both windows and linux clients once every 2-3 days or so the backup fails with "Backup client reserved", i check on the actual client, and it says "In use by MYSERVERNAME" so my guess is that the server is opening a connection to the client, somehow not closing it, and the client sits there thinking its being used, when in reality is not.


Anybody run into this?


(I am running both the latest client and the latest server versions of the software)

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There are some cases where a client connection is not closed cleanly and the client will get stuck. This does not happen under normal circumstances. If it happens again turn of the client for 5 minutes or so and then turn it on again. Although ou may not have to wait that long.




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Yes, i do that, and that does solve the problem. The main issue here is that this means that for example a day's backup may not go through, Yes i am notified via email, but i probably wont get to it untl the next day, would be lovely if this didnt happen at all smile.gif.


My Linux client does it at least once every 4 backup sesssions (in my case daily backup), the windows ones are not a big issue, happens once in a while, seems like it would be an easy fix on the client side to kill any open connections with no data going through ?

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