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Can a run document do this?

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I have two backup sets on a users machine and two run documents named backupsetA and backupsetB which he uses to backup his machine everynight by alternating run documents. I would like to have just one run document that runs a script which handles alternating the backup sets without the user having to do this. I have setup an unattended script which can do this but his laptop is almost never available so it's best that he starts the script manually. Is there a way to make a run document that simply starts a predefinied script without having to specifiy which backup set?

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Unfortunately no.


You could however write a batch file that would determine which disk is attached and run the appropriate run document. That will take some scripting work but the user will only have to click on one batch file.




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ahh. however, both backup sets are on the same drive (this is so the user may recycle without losing data in the event the systems dies before a new backup is made). I think what I might need to do is write a script that checks the day of week then runs the appropriate run document.

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