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Backing up a Snap server

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We have been backing up a Snap server volume (with Retro 7 on a W2K server) without issue for a few weeks, but now my backups of that server no longer work. We get a -1116 "Can't access network volumes" message. I can see the server and it's volumes under 'backup clients', but when I try to add one of it's volumes to Retro, I'm prompted for a logon. When I enter that logon, I get error -1017 'Insufficient permissions'. If I login to that server with that same logon from a mac or another pc, I can see the volume and have full rights to that volume. Also, when I connect to that server from my Retro server, I can see the volume and have full rights to that volume. I mapped a drive letter from the retro server to the snap server hoping to be able to backup that drive letter, but Retro doesn't show that drive letter when choosing volumes.


Anyone have any suggestions?

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In the configure->volumes database forget the snap server and then restart Retrospect. Then try to browse to the volume again.


Have you specified a user in the Retrospect security preferences? Make sure to use the administrator of the machine running Retrospect.




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- forgot the snap server

- restarted Retro

- browse for volume on the snap server

- try to add volume on the snap server and am prompted for login.

- i put in the login of a user local to the snap server that has administrator rights to server and all folders on the server.

- i get the message "error getting volume information, cannot add this volume to the database."

- if i keep trying to add this volume, i start getting 'Error scanning volume, error -1116 (can't access network volume) before being prompted for a login.


- i have specified a user in Retrospect security preferences which is the domain account that I use to back up all of my other servers. This domain account is what I use to login to the computer running Retrospect and is a member of the administrators group on the the Retrospect server.

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Are there any firmware or OS updates available for the SNAP server? That may help sort this out.


The other posibility is that you have corrupt Retrospect preferences. Drag your preference files to another location on disk, start retrospect and try the login again. The Retrospect preference files are located at c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Retrospect




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