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Is System Volume Information important to archive?

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I'm wondering if this Windows system folder, which I assume tracks disk usage information, is important to include in a backup? I expect that any restore will be updating the live folder and, possibly, a restore to this folder could cause problems by restoring information that's not consistent with the current disk layout.


Does anyone have a recommendation on this?

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I think this is information created by the system restore feature. I'm also pretty sure its contents are excluded by Retrospect automatically. (I may also be pretty wrong...)


At any rate, I haven't seen it cause problems with restores.




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I've confirmed that this folder relates to System Restore at http://www.theeldergeek.com/system_volume_information_folder1.htm. However, R7 doesn't exclude this folder by default. One of the lines in my Selector was excluding folders that started with "C:\System Volume Information" and when I searched all my Sets for this folder I found it only in my D: partition. So I've changed the Selector to an exact match of the folder name without the path.


It does seem that this area doesn't need to be included in a backup, unless you want to be able to restore to a replaced disk drive and then be able to do a System Restore. Thanks.

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