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Errors -1102 followed by -1001


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I'm using Retrospect 6.0 Multiserver to backup multiple servers daily via Windows Networking (i.e. not using the Retrospect Client). All servers are Windows 2000 SP4.


Every couple of weeks, the backup server will be unable to reach a specific server, first having error -1102 in the logs and then -1001 with winerr 51 ("The remote computer is not available"). The problem always occurs with the same server. However, at no point is the remote computer unavailable. If I login to the backup server and try to open said computer via Windows Networking, it appears fine. Usually, after doing this, the backup succeeds.


Here's the errors in the Operations Log:

-	2/10/2005 10:31:59 PM: Copying d-drive on RemoteServer1

2/10/2005 10:38:02 PM: Snapshot stored, 14.8 MB

2/10/2005 10:38:11 PM: Comparing d-drive on RemoteServer1

Can't initialize source, error -1102 (drive missing/unavailable)

2/10/2005 10:38:15 PM: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 24 files, 43.5 MB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 186.3 MB/minute (237.1 copy, 0.0 compare)

Duration: 00:06:12 (00:06:01 idle/loading/preparing)


MapError: unknown Windows error 51

TNetResource::Connect: UNetAddConnection2 failed, winerr 51, error -1001

Can't access volume f-drive on RemoteServer1, error -1001 (unknown Windows OS error)

MapError: unknown Windows error 51

TNetResource::Connect: UNetAddConnection2 failed, winerr 51, error -1001

MapError: unknown Windows error 51

TNetResource::Connect: UNetAddConnection2 failed, winerr 51, error -1001

MapError: unknown Windows error 51

TNetResource::Connect: UNetAddConnection2 failed, winerr 51, error -1001

Can't access volume g-drive on RemoteServer1, error -1001 (unknown Windows OS error)

2/10/2005 10:38:16 PM: Execution incomplete

Total performance: 311.9 MB/minute

Total duration: 01:06:58 (00:57:16 idle/loading/preparing)

MapError: unknown Windows error 51

TNetResource::Connect: UNetAddConnection2 failed, winerr 51, error -1001

Quit at 2/10/2005 10:39 PM

I never had this occur with Veritas BackupExec. Any suggestions?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay... I thought I had it configured to email me when someone replied, but I had the option switched the wrong way.


No XP involved. Retrospect is running on a Windows 2000 Server, backing up (or trying to, at least) a Windows 2000 Server. It just did it again, 2 days in a row. It has no problems backing up the other servers on that hub, and the server itself is operating at 100%. Everything has been restarted (including switches).


Didn't know about the auto disconnect, but it seems the shares don't really ever connect. The first one does but any subsequent shares on that server fail.


Any ideas? I've never seen this before...

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Yes, the order is always the same. Error -1102 occurs first on the compare of one share on the server (in some cases, not always the first share being backed up). All of the shares after it have error -1001 or -1116 (can't access network volume) when starting the backup, so the compare never occurs for those.




I am testing a possible workaround, which has to do with how Retrospect resolves the NetBIOS names. The server it's backing up is a server with two adapters connected to the same network, only one of which has file sharing running (to avoid NetBIOS conflicts). The server has only the IP address of the adapter with file sharing registered in WINS, but has all IP addresses listed in AD DNS. Depending on which method Retrospect uses, that could be the cause. What doesn't make any sense is why it would happen in the order above *every* time. In any case, my workaround was to enter the IP address of the adapter with file sharing in the hosts file of the Retrospect server. Since the problem is random, it's hard to say if that solved it or it's just not happening right now.

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Is there are reason you are not using the client to access these machines? It will probably work much better.


It seems really odd that the failure happens at the start of compare every time. I'm very curious to see if your workaround takes care of it.




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I haven't had time to look into the Retrospect Client. Mainly, I was concerned with having to configure and maintain yet another component on all of the servers. I also didn't know the CPU and memory foothold it had on the systems. Any experience in that respect?


So far, the workaround seems to have fixed the problem. I guess the real test would be to remove it and see if it reoccurs, but the randomness makes it hard to say.

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Once the client is installed there is really no management involved at all. One really cool thing is the client has its own password that is independent of the system passwords. As a result you can change passwords, delete user accounts, even turn off file sharing completely and still have seamless access to the machine for backup.


The memory footprint is tiny too.




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