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Should I back-up or duplicate?


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I gave up on Retrospect Express HD and took the forum's advice and installed Retrospect 6.0. It worked. Lat night I did a duplicate back-up. Tonight I was attempting to set a schedule for backing up and it looks like I should have chosen the backup method which makes a *.rBf file instead of choosing the duplicate option. Please desxcribe the difference in the two back-up methods.

Any help will be apprecieated.


Thanks in advance,



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This may be of help to you.








On p. 3 mention is made of the possibility of adding snapshots to the same Backup Set. I doubt if this feature is available in Retrospect Express 6.0.222. The screen I get is shown here and only shows one snapshop even though I know I've done more than one progressive backup to the same Backup Set.





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I've been mulling over the disadvantages of using Duplicate to recover from a disaster. Let's say you've done a Duplicate of your C drive last week and you download some program that is causing a lot of problems, a program which you can't uninstall. Restoring your computer from a previous Retrospect Backup would then be a simple matter, taking a few minutes at the most. Your computer will be scanned and returned to a configuration before the installation of the offending program. Trying to restore your computer from a Duplicate would entail a lot of problems. You can't just reformat your C drive and copy your Duplicate to your internal HD. You need a working copy of Windows in order to access your Duplicate on the Maxtor. You don't know exactly which files need to be replaced. In other words, you've got yourself a whole can of worms! Copying the entire contents of your Duplicate to your C drive will not delete the files which are causing problems.




The problems would be multiplied if you had to reformat your HD and reinstall Windows. What you have then is a "raw" version of Windows, with possibly a lot of drivers missing. Trying to copy your entire C drive from the Maxtor Duplicate to your HD would result in a lot of fragmented files if not a complete mess of files with directories being different in the existing C drive and your Duplicate Maxtor C drive.

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