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Tape cleaning

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Sorry if this has been covered before.


I'm using Retrospect 6.5 with a Travan40 tape drive. I have told Retrospect that the cleaning interval is evey 8 hours; but I can't figure out how to have Retrospect tell me that it time to clean the drive. Is this possible?


I can't tell it to clean the drive unless a cleaning tape is in there (I assume). But the drive will initiate cleaning as soon as the cleaning tape is inserted; so I can't clean through Retrospect.


Would be nice to tell Retrospect that I've just cleaned the drive, then start keeping tack of usage to notify that cleaning ware required the next time around.


TIA, Again sorry if this is old and covered topic.

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I think if you right click on the tape drive in configure->devices and then go to properties you will get the reminder notification setting. Either that or highlight the drive and click on the icons at the top of the configure->devices window.




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Yes..that part I know. And I've set it for 8 hours. But the only way to tell Retrosepct that a tape cleaning has taken place is by imitiating it through it. But that's not possible here. (as I posted)


Oh well I guess I'll have to set up a reminder via another program.

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