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Scripts and version 5

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Hello !




I have just upgraded to version 5 (Mac OS 9.2.2 french).


My Applescripts don't work anymore.


Retrospect does not have an AS dictionary.




Have I missed something ?


Without solution, I will be obliged to downgrade, unfortunately.


Thank you in advance to help me.

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AppleScript does work with 5.0, you just can't let Retrospect Autolaunch


under Mac OS X.




It does have a dictionary. I just double checked.




Retrospect Suite:


Copyright © 1995 - 2002 Dantz Development Corp.




back up: Backs up a volume or a container of volumes to a given backup set.


back up string -- The Retrospect path name of the volume to be backed


up, e.g., "Local Desktop:Macintosh HD:Untitled-1:"


to string -- The name of an existing backup set.


[using string] -- The name of an existing backup script to take


options and selector from (if omitted, creates a script named AppleScript




[type Normal/Full/New] -- The type of backup (Normal if not




Result: boolean -- Returns false if another AppleScript Backup is


already executing




execute: Executes a Retrospect script.


execute string -- Script name to execute


[to string] -- If the script is a backup script, the name of one


of its backup sets, otherwise omit.


[type Normal/Full/New] -- The type of backup (Normal if not




Result: boolean -- Returns false if the script is already executing




stop execution: Stops the currently executing script.


stop execution




start Backup Server: Starts Backup Server polling.


start Backup Server




stop Backup Server: Stops the Backup Server from polling.


stop Backup Server




activate Backup Server script:


activate Backup Server script string -- The name of the script to






deactivate Backup Server script:


deactivate Backup Server script string -- The name of the script to






Retrospect status: Returns the current state of the program and a list of


known scripts, volumes, and backup sets.


Retrospect status string -- If script name is specified, lists volumes


and backup sets for that script. Otherwise, all volumes and backup sets are




Result: Retrospect reply -- A record of class Retrospect reply.




Class Retrospect reply: The Retrospect status reply record.




current script string [r/o] -- The name of the currently running


script, or nothing if idle.


current source string [r/o] -- The name of the source in use by the


current script.


current destination string [r/o] -- The name of the destination in


use by the current script.


interactive boolean [r/o] -- Whether Retrospect is in interactive




in Backup Server boolean [r/o] -- Whether Retrospect is currently


executing the Backup Server


executing boolean [r/o] -- Whether Retrospect is currently executing


or starting to execute a script


scripts list [r/o] -- A list of all the currently known scripts.


volumes list [r/o] -- A list of all the currently known volumes.


backup sets list [r/o] -- A list of all the currently known backup





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