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Error Report


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Hello. I am new to Retrospect and have some questions related to my first attempt at an Immediate Backup.


I am backing up to LTO.


Here is what is written in the log (copied and pasted):


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 1/14/2005 10:02 AM

To Backup Set Backup Set A...


- 1/14/2005 10:02:42 AM: Copying XU_ARL1_00001 on XU_ARHD_00001 (F:)

1/14/2005 10:54:31 AM: Snapshot stored, 68 KB

1/14/2005 10:54:37 AM: Comparing XU_ARL1_00001 on XU_ARHD_00001 (F:)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (0), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (0), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (16002), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (16002), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (16002), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Trouble reading: "1-Backup Set A" (16002), error -102 (trouble communicating)

Bad Backup Set header found (0x0300e201 at 1,903,999)

1/14/2005 11:39:38 AM: 7 execution errors

Remaining: 4 files, 2.5 GB

Completed: 203 files, 67.5 GB

Performance: 1496.3 MB/minute (1398.1 copy, 1613.6 compare)

Duration: 01:37:09 (00:03:12 idle/loading/preparing)



My questions are as follows:

When it says "Remaining: 4 files 2.5 GB" does that mean that 4 files were not backed up? does it mean they were not verfied? I am not sure what that relates to.


If I received all of these errors (communication) does this mean that the verification of the files it was accessing failed?


Thanks in advance. Please take it easy on the new guy wink.gif


Best regards,



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This looks like a SCSI communication problem. That means the information being sent to the LTO is possibly getting ruined along the way. The bad backup set header means the data on the tape is invalid - thats bad.


What type of SCSI card are you using? What other devices do you have attached to the SCSI bus?




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This looks like a SCSI communication problem. That means the information being sent to the LTO is possibly getting ruined along the way. The bad backup set header means the data on the tape is invalid - thats bad.


What type of SCSI card are you using? What other devices do you have attached to the SCSI bus?







The SCSI card I am using is an Adaptec AHA-2940UW


There is nothing else connected to the SCSI card--this is the only SCSI device on this system


I viewed the device manager in windows to get some info about the card, and here is what I came up with:


Adaptec AHA-2940U/2940UW/2940D PCI SCSI Controller

Driver: 5.1.2600.1106

Driver Date: 7/1/01

Driver Manuf: Microsoft


Any info you can provide would be GREAT, as we are trying to get our LTO setup and done by tomorrow, hopefully.


Thanks in advance,



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The 2940 is a relatively slow card compared to what your LTO is capable of. I wonder if there is an auto-negotiation problem of some kind. Does your 2940 card have a 68 pin interface or 50 pin interface? A mismatch could cause problems.


If you have another SCSI card I would give that a try and see if you have better results.


Are you using a new SCSI cable or is it one you have used for a while?




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