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assertion check at "elem.c-826" error

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I got the "assertion check at 'elem.c-826' " error in the course of doing an incremental backup of a folder (which I've denoted as a "Volume" in Retrospect) on a Windows machine from my Mac. I have 2 backups on separate external hard drives. I backed up the folder using the first drive without a problem. Ten minutes later I tried to backup the same folder on the second external drive and got the above error. I've tried it again several times and continue to get the error. I do not get the error when backing up other folders on the Windows machine.


Can anyone tell me what this error means and how I can avoid it? Thanks.


I'm running Mac OSX 10.3.7 and Retrospect 6.0.204 on the Mac.



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Hi Nate,


It's a backup. I suppose I could, but it messes up the consistency of my backup system. I have one backup set that includes 30 or 40 volumes, of which the problem volume is just one. I could create a separate backup set for this volume. I will give it a try tomorrow and let you know if it is created without encountering this error.


From what you're saying, I guess there's a problem with the file for this volume on the external drive to which I'm backing up.


Thanks for your assistance.



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Hi Nate,


Well, I created a new backup set for this volume and the backup went just fine - no errors at all. This is a 10 GB Volume. I can either leave it as a separate backup set or you mentioned something about transfering the contents from one backup set to another. I've never tried this and have checked the manual. Here's what I think is involved.



I go to Tools>Copy. Then I select the backup set containing the damaged volume. Then I select the backup set that I just created containing a clean version of that volume. Then I create a selector that excludes the damaged volume from the data to be transferred. (It's all in a single folder so I suppose I would just create a selector excluding files contained in that folder.)


Am I on the right track, or is there a simpler way of accomplishing this if I choose to do it? Thanks again for your kind assistance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I get this error too... in the middle of a backup, after scanning for files on a network source...


Trouble in Retrospect:

Internal Consistency check failed

Assertion Check at "elem.c-826"

With only a 'Quit' button...


Software versions:

Retrospect Backup 6.0.204

Device Access Version: 1.0.106

Driver Update Version: 5.9.104

Mac OS X Server 10.2.8 (6R73)


System configuration:

Dual G4 tower 1.25Ghz with 512MB ram, serving only filesharing

Backup unit is a HP Ultrium 230e (external UW-SCSI)


It's not the first time I see this error, I always fix it by deleting the storage set, making a new one and – again - editing my backupscript.


It’s very annoying and makes Retrospect not trustable as a serious backup solution where you can depend on.


I mailed this problem to Dantz eurosupport, they better fix this soon or they loose another customer.



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I just got this error also.


Mac OS X 1.3.7

retrospect 6.0.193

retro update that was released yesterday (6.1.102)

Pioneer 107D DVD drive

using -R media


after 16 DVD's, only half of the 16th DVD was written, and then it asked for a new DVD, #17 and I get this error during an incremental backup. So, I ask it to verify the catalog starting with DVD #11, it gets to DVD #16 and goes into Resychronizing (slow) mode and eventually gives the elem.c error. I'm rebuilding the catalog since a repair attempt ended in the same error.


I think this needs some attention from the programmers.


Thank you.

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The programmers are probably going to want to know if you can reproduce this on a machine that is supported by their product; one that is not modified with a processor upgrade of some sort.


The busses in the original Blue & White G3 were not really up to snuff (both FireWire and ATA). I'd suggest trying the program on a modern Macintosh that's within Apple specs to see if the problem perisists. Or maybe just for fun see if the DVD drive will work as a slave off whatever ATA controller you're running.

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