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Reclaiming Disk Space Question


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I am using Retrospect Express HD for Windows with a Maxtor OneTouch drive. In going through the setup, when I get to the page that says "Select the disk(s) to store your backups", I choose G: (which is the Maxtor). If I modify the column entitled "Use for backup" (I first tried 75% and then 25%), the program starts running and says "Reclaiming Disk Space". While it's running the space on my C: drive (not the Maxtor) gets lower and lower until I start getting disk space warnings and I have to stop Retrospect Express from reclaiming.


Now that I've tried this twice, I'm down to about 400MB left of free space on my C: drive. Does anybody know why it is even writing to my C: drive when it seems like it should be reclaiming space on my G: drive? And I'd love to know what file on my C: drive is being written so I can get rid of it.


Thanks in advance! laugh.gif

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It sure sounds like the backup is being saved on your internal hard drive. You might want to run the setup again and make sure the settings are right.


Retrospect Express HD stores all data in a folder called Retrospect restore points. If that is on your internal drive you can bet the setup is incorrect.



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I agree, it does sound like it was set up that way. But I went through and double checked. It was set up to back up my C drive to my G drive (the Maxtor). The Retrospect Restore Points folder is on the G drive and everything.


An odd follow up to my question is that when I turned my PC on tonight, I was back up to 3.3 GB of free disk space. I even tried rebooting last night to see if I could fix the problem, but even after that reboot, I was stuck with ~200 MB of disk after the disk space was "reclaimed".


So, I guess my point is that I still don't understand what happened, but it seems to have gone away. It's all quite odd if you ask me.


Thanks for your help. And if anybody has any other thoughts about what may have happened there, I'd be interested to hear them.

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