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Travan Device Not found at unattended backup time

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I've been fighting a problem for a couple of weeks now and I'm looking for some help:


I have Windows XP SP1 Professional on a Dell 2350

Retrospect 6.5 - Most recent version and device updates

Certance Travan 10/20 internal IDE drive – With the latest XP driver and firmware revision.


I am able to run backup jobs manually without a problem.


I have scheduled jobs on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri to run at 10pm.

Retrospect will start and then an error message displays: Script FRIDAY: waiting for media


This happens every day of the week, with each tape. The correct tape is in the drive. In the example above it is named Friday. It is erased. If I cancel the job in the morning, never ejecting the tape and then run the same job manually it works just fine.


Here’s the odd thing. When I schedule a job to run 15 minutes in the future and close Retrospect, the job runs fine. The office staff leaves at 5pm, but at 10pm the job will start but we get the darn waiting…. message.


I’ve checked the computers power settings and we’re shutting down the monitor but never shutting down the Hard-Drives or going to system stand-by.


Any help is greatly appreciated!



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This is most likely a script setup issue.


How many backup sets are in your scripts?

How many different tapes are you using?

Are you manually erasing tapes regularly?


Make sure to enable the "automatically reuse pre-named media" preference.




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Thanks for the response:


How many backup sets are in your scripts?

I have 5 scripts setup. One for each day of the week.

Monday Script backs up to Monday tape. Recycle Backup

Tuesday Script backs up to Tuesday tape. Recycle Backup

Wednesday Script backs up to Tuesday tape. Normal Backup(append)

Thursday Script backs up to Tuesday tape. Normal Backup(append)

Friday Script backs up to Friday tape. Recycle Backup


How many different tapes are you using?

We are currently using only 3 tapes. They are planning on adding more tapes later, but so far I've been unable to get it to work properly.


Are you manually erasing tapes regularly?

We are not manually erasing the tapes, but i thought the recycle backup does that for us.


Make sure to enable the "automatically reuse pre-named media" preference.

It is enabled - so is minimize extra prompts before erasing.


I have retrospect setup on a Windows 2003 Server in my office. They are configured identically with the exception of the backup schedule and number of tapes.


Thanks again.


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How many _backup sets_ are in your scripts? To do what you are doing you will need 3 backup sets. When you get more tapes you will have to go to 5 backup sets.


You mention "Monday Tape", "Tuesday Tape" etc. Are those backup sets in Retrospect or just labels you have written on the tapes?




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You mention "Monday Tape", "Tuesday Tape" etc. Are those backup sets in Retrospect or just labels you have written on the tapes?


They are Backup Sets.


I've been on vacation for a week, but before I left I created new backup sets to point to another disk(instead of the tape) on the network and then repointed the backup scripts to use the new backup sets.


Everything has worked flawlessly. No errors at all. The only difference is the Travan drive as a backup set vs. the hard disk as a backup set.


So for now we are going to use the this system and get a new tape drive at some point in the future.


I don't think it is a script setup issue and maybe this wasn't clear:

If I schedule Script A to run in 15 Minutes - it runs.

If I schedule Script A to run in 5 Hours - it doesn't.


Same exact Script, same exact Tape.


I'm giving up on this old tape drive. I've got an Exabyte Drive and an HP Dat24 running on two other servers perfectly and we're going to go purchase on or the other and move forward.


Thanks for all your replies!

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Now I get it.

You might want to see if you have aspi installed and if not, try installing it. The ASPICHK and ASPIINST programs in the Retrospect program folder will help you there.


I've seen flaky communication problems with USB tape drives in the past. Make sure you have updated USB drivers. You may even want to try adding a third party USB card just for the tape drive.


Either that or go with a SCSI drive instead.



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