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6.5 Pro - basic question


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Hi all.




I'm new to Retrospect (version 6.5 Pro, WinXP Pro, Sony AIT 50Gig tape system), so this is probably a simple question.




Just finished rolling off a 200 gig project to tape (4 tapes in the set). When changes to the original project occur, is there a way to have Retrospect update the files on the 4 tape set, or do I have to retape the entire project all over again?




Thanks in advance!



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Sorry - not sure. To rephrase my question - I'm trying to avoid the pain of starting over from scratch. Will Retrospect update files on the tape set w/o having to touch all unchanged files?


Say I have 50,000 files on the tape set, and then touch 25 files on the original hard disk. Is there a way to have Retrospect update those 25 files that are now more recent; out of sync with those on the tape? It sounds like your reply, "...and changed files to your existing set" is a "yes" to my question, but I may be misinterpreting this.


Thanks, Nate.

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Every time you run a backup Retrospect takes a "snapshot" image of what the disk looked like at that point in time. For restores all you have to do is pick the snapshot you want and Retrospect will put the files back just the way they were at that point in time.


You can also do a searching restore using all sorts of criteria.


Restore is far easier than backup in Retrospect. Give it a selected files restore a try, I think you will agree.



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Hi Nate.


One other question on this and I think I can let it rest. I currently have a 4 tape/180 gig project (hence my questions before potentially having to completely retape the files).


When I want Retrospect to update the files that have changed, what steps do I take in the program so that R. will add those files w/o me having to tell it which ones? In other words, what steps to tell R. to determine what’s changed and add those changed files?


I'm guessing this is using immediate backup, and using an already defined tapeset. But again, since I have a very large project I don't want to risk trashing it and being forced to start over.


Thanks again!

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Hi Jerry,


I also back up to tape and understand you're not wanting to accidentally start from the beginning again.


Basically, If you want to "start over" ("full" backup) and rewrite the entire tape(s) you specify a RECYCLE backup option for the same backup set.


If you want Retrospect to only add new/changed files ("incremental" backup) to an existing backup set you specify the NORMAL backup option. Retrospect will determine what needs to be added to the existing backup set using a method more sophisticated than just relying on the Archive attribute. Retrospect will request the last member (tape) used where it will start writing the new/updated files for a Normal backup.


Carl E. Johnson

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Hi Jerry L


Retropsect manages this for you automatically. You don't have to tell it what has changed. Retrospect will figure that out on its own.


Here is the key. With _every_ operation in Retrospect (backup, duplicate, restore) Retrospect compares what has already been backed up to what is on the disk. Whatever is new or changed gets copied.




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