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Crazy Retrorun

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I have a windows2000Server and last version of retrospect and RDU and clients.


Retrospect 6.5 (Dans aide/about : single server - version 6.5.342)


Rdu.rpx : version 5.4.110




Cette nuit encore la backup n'a pas demarré.


En prenant la main sur le serveur, j'ai eu une boite de dialogue "vide" portant le nom de retrospect. Lorsque je l'ai fermé (avec la croix) j'ai eu le message "application ne répond pas etc etc". (Dans le gestionaire de tâche, le process retrorun.exe consomme 50% des CPU )


Dans l'observateur d'évenement j'ai l'enregistrement suivant : le service retrospect launcher s'est terminé de maniere inattendue. etc etc"


Ensuite lorsque j'ai lancé retrospect, la sauvegarde planifié pour hier soir s'est declenché ...




In english :


Tonigh the backuck did not start.


When I open a session on the server, i get an "empty" dialog box called retrospect. When I closed it I get the error message : "Applicaiton did not respond ...". (In the task manager, the retrorun.exe process consume 50% of CPU)


In event manger I have the reccord : "The retrospect mauncher services close ...)


Then when I launched retrospect the backup planned for yersteday started...

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Disable the Retrospect launcher service in the Retrospect preference menu and restart the computer. Then re enable the launcher service. This will reinstall the service that launches Retrospect.


You may also want to install Retrospect 6.5.350 from the Dantz updates site.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Natew,


I try your solution and it doesn't work.


The backup works the first night. Then it stop.

If I open a session, I get an empty pop up from retrospect ... When I close it I get an error message ... why ?


It is supposed to work as a windows service, doens't it ????


If I have to logon on the server each day, I do not need a so expensive software ...


I think it already cost up twice its price in technical maintenance ... and I pray to not have to restore backup ... beacuase most of the time, nothing is saved.


Why there is no Dantz technician to answer on this forum or by mail to customers complaining about their stuff ???

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...



Sure I use terminal service to admin my servers. Some of them are quite far.


It's a shame to have to let an open session to make a backup with a so expensive software.


Are you sure I do not have to clik on "start backup" each day ???


I will try your solution but retrospect is not working as it should.

I will not upgrade to version 7 ... I prefer to buy a real backupsoftware.

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You do not need to click on start backup every day. The Retrospect launcher service will launch Retrospect automatically.


Retrospect will still launch even if a terminal session is not available. However you will be prompted to close and relaunch Retrospect the next time you log in.


EMC Dantz is working on a remote management feature.




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