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Tape erase and rename not honored

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I have an autoloader where I have serveral times tried erasing and renaming a tape to substitute it into an existing set. For example, to replace the 5th tape in the set, I name the tape during the erase as "5-Srv Set 1".


When I then run a test, the tape is immediately overwritten as if it is "empty". For example, if I perform a recylce backup to "Srv Set 3", the just erased tape will be used in that set and its name will be "1-Srv Set 3".


Why does Retrospect allow me to name the tape but then does not honor it?


OSX 10.2.2, RS 5.0.238 server, Exabyte 18D.

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"Why?" is a good question, but what you are seeing is the normal behavior. There are only two types of tapes in retrospect's eye's: tapes that are actually in use as part of some (current) backup set and empty tapes. You can name a tape until the cows come home and it won't do you any good. If a tape has not yet been used as part of backup set, then Retrospect will use it for the backup set that has been idle for the longest time (which is not what you usually want).


I never put in blank tapes except when Retrospect is asking for one. If you want your tape to be "5-Srv Set 1", because "4-Srv Set 1" is already full, then do an immediate backup to Srv Set 1 and that will join the tape to that backup set. Don't ever leave it up to the backup server!

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