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Retrospect v5.0.238 ERROR 102 ?? PLEASE HELP

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Our office is using Retrospect v5.0.238 with driver update Version 3.2.104.

File Server Mac G4 500 DP running Mac OS 10.2.3 (server) since xmas.> now running 10.2.4 (server)since Saturday 5 April 2003. Backup device Sony SDT-ST11000 using DDS-4 Data Storage Tapes (20/40gb).


Everything was fine and apart from operator errors never had an issue with tape back ups UNTIL NOW


Ran software update on Saturday and installed 10.2.4 Server Update, 1024SecUpd2003-03-03, SecurityUpd2003-03-24 and Java1.4.1.


Now we have an issue Last night's backup failed with error 102 Message (Trouble Communication).


RETROSPECT now won't even acknowledge Sony drive.


Has anyone else had this trouble or know a solution?


regards Chris



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I think that retrospect gives this error when it tries to backup a file that is corrupted.

I see this all the time and to work around I'm looking at the backup window to find out which file is being baked up, then deleting that file solves the problem until the next time.

This behavior is new to me...maybe since 5.0.238

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