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disk to tape difficulties


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According to the retro8 training video (disk to disk to tape), I should be able to create a copy backup script to move my existing disk backup to tape and bring it offsite. So, I created a new copy backup script, selected my disk backup as the source, and created a new tape based media set. I was able to add the source and destinations to the script. When I try and run the script, however, it fails. I hear the tape library being accessed, and eventually the script will prompt me to "choose media". When I select "choose media" (in the bottom of the activities window), I get a dialog box that contains my disk drives on the server, but not my tape(s)...I can't seem to access the tape drive as the destination....


Has anyone gotten this to work? If so, what were the steps required?



Thanks in advance

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Are you able to do a backup to tape (without the copy function)?


What are the specifics of your configuration?


Version of Retrospect 8 (x.x.x, console and engine)

Whether engine and console are on the same machine

Hardware specifics for the machine running the engine (tape drive, library, Mac hardware, SCSI HBA card and firmware levels, etc.)

Mac OS specifics (x.x.x, server or non-server) for the computer running the Retrospect engine



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Sorry, I forgot to post the config info...


engine and console 8.1 build 626


engine and console are on separate machines (I also have the console installed on the server machine)


Hardware: exabyte LTO 1x7 (firmware up to date) atto UL5D scsi card (also up to date) 10.5.8 client on a macpro xx2.8 quad core with 4GB RAM, console computer is same mac pro running 10.6.2





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to further clarify, I ran a test backup where I backed up one machine directly to the tape drive. Ran without a hitch. Also, when I started the script (by pressing the run button), I was prompted with a "back up to which media set" dialog box where I was able to pick my newly created tape media set....



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Ok. Then we know that Retrospect can talk to the tape drive and library. Sounds like a source/destination selection problem.


Could you post some screen shots of how you have the source/destination set up for the problematic copy, and the screen you see where you expect the tape drive but don't see that choice?



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Looks like it was stupidity on my part....


Basically, while going thru the process to collect the screen shots, I realized that retrospect was prompting me to provide the source (in the past, when a script has stopped because it needs media, usually it is prompting for tapes). I misunderstood what retrospect was asking me, it actually wanted the source, not destination. Once I clicked "browse" in the script source window and selected the sources, I was able to run the script!


Thanks again for your help, without your request for the screenshots I would not have realized my error.....

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