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Damaged Media Set Member, What Now?

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[color:blue]System:[/color] Mac Mini, 10.6.2, (Retrospect-81626) backing up MacBook Pro Client (6.3027) to NAS drive via 10/1000 Ethernet.



[/color]A scheduled backup failed with this message in the log, " [color:red]Additional error information for Disk Media Set member "1-Laptop", Can't write to file /Volumes/backups-5/Retrospect/Laptop/1-Laptop/AB000081.rdb, error -1124 ( invalid NTFS data)".[/color]


Not sure what to do next, I attempted to rebuild the Catalog.


After attempting to rebuild a Catalog, the following error message was in the Log, [color:red]"The Disk Media Set data file "AB000081.rdb" reported missing by user".[/color]



Can I delete the "bad" data file and attempt another backup or should I delete the catalog and the entire Media Set and start a new backup from scratch.



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Because you are using Retrospect 8.1, you would have a better chance at getting an answer to your question if you posted in the Retrospect 8 forum. Here's the link to that forum:

Retrospect 8 for Macintosh Forum


This is the Retrospect 6.x forum. Yes, I know that it's not clear from the names of the forums, and many people have asked that the forum names be made more clear, but I doubt that will ever happen.



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