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Basic questions about 7.7 Multi


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I made a good faith effort to find the answers to these questions, but could not find them anywhere.


1) Why is the Windows version stuck at 7.7 and the Macintosh version is at 8.0? Are these version numbers related in any way (ie, is the Mac version more advanced somehow)?


2) Will 7.7 Multi run on Server 2008 R2 64bit?


3) Can Server 2008 R2 64bit machines be successfully backed up and bare-metal restored using 7.7 Multi?


4) Is it possible to back up 2008 R2 Active Directory with 7.7 Multi?


5) When will Exchange 2010 be supported by the Exchange add-on?


Thanks for any answers

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1) Yes, the Mac version has a new GUI and some advanced fucntionality, where 7.7 uses the 'new' backend with the old GUI (with some additional functionality).


I'm assuming there has been a switch by EMC to concentrate on the MAC world again and do the bare minimum to keep the Windows community 'happy' (or being able to support current OSs!).


2) Yes, the new backend supports 64-bit environments.


3) Yes, 7.7 has a new way of restoring servers/clients from bare metal using WinPE. In theory you can restore the environment into different metal now. I can't find a UK retailer to sell me 7.7 yet, so I'll let you know when I do!


4) I believe so, but someone else can confirm for sure. I'm going through a 2000 > 2008 Doain migration this year, so I'll let you know about June time :D


5) Probably when 2011 is released going on past history... One of the small annoyances with using Retrospect is that they have no roadmap visability, so you simply never know when support for new solutions will become availaable, which creates business risk!


With all that said, it loks like 7.7 has a few problems that need ironing out before it's useable.



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