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Corrupted rdb file


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I'm using Retrospect 7.6 on Windows Vista to backup one laptop.


The backup set originally comprised of one external hard disk only. It recently filled up, so I added a second member, a 2.5" disk in a Firewire / USB enclosure. Occasionally, Retrospect reported "Trouble communicating" errors with that drive, in the middle of a backup. But often, when I connected it in USB, the backup went from start to end without error.


Alas... It appears that at least one .rdb file is now corrupted. When I start a backup, or when I use the 'Verify Media' tool, I eventually get a message saying: "Please select the Backup Set member: ... " Meanwhile, the drive is still visible in My Computer. I click Choices, Browse, and Retrospect asks: "Where is AA000646.rdb". I browse to the file, and it says: "This file is corrupted or does not belong to this Backup Set". Indeed, the file is smaller than 600 MB, even though AA000647 exists.


So... Is there anything that I can do, apart from declaring that the member is 'lost or damaged' (thereby losing all the good backup data on this drive)?


Many thanks and merry holidays,



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