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now retro doesn't speak to scsi library


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Well, I guess it's my fault for thinking that an update would actually fix anything....I tried to update retrospect in the vain hope that retrospect would actually, you know, like WORK, but I guess that's not to be.


Retrospect was speaking to my LTO2 library, but after updating the engine and the console, I now get a brand new error that I never got before:


stucFinished: incorrect scsiServiceResponse 0x1

stucFinished: transaction result 0x6


did I mention that even though retro has been problematic with my firewire based vxa library, it has been working well with the scsi based LTO library...


I am about to throw the whole thing out the window (actually, I am about to start looking at alternatives, as I am out of patience with this shoddy program)


anyway, if anyone could suggest something that might actually work, I would love to hear it...





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