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network workstation bkup


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I have retrospect backing up my data on workstations that are on my network (microsoft windows xp). I'm trying for it to back up all my documents and settings on each of the workstations. That way I'm backing up everything. Now I noticed it's not backing up all directories under the docs and setts. It allows all users, not administrators, etc. Gives error can't access. I gave each docs & setts share but it still won't do all sub folders. For example my main folder - my documents can't be copies. Any ideas?


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need more information:


what version of retrospect on what platform, with which driver/hotfix version.


are you using scripted backup or proactive? Are you using any selectors?


What exactly are the "can't access" errors you're seeing and are they on the client side or server side?


It sounds like you've done SAMBA shares from your network machines to one single machine and are trying to back up that one single machine. Is that correct? I could be wrong, but I dont think retrospect will back up samba mounted drives. Why don't you install the client on each machine and back them up ordinarily?

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