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Unable to configure for DVD+R

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Platform: Mac Tower G5, OS 10.3.9

Using Retrospect 6.1.230


My internal optical drive died and had to be replaced. I think the old drive was a Sony. The new drive is a Pioneer DVR-116D. Connection is ATA.


Retrospect could see the new drive on start-up, but would not recognize previously written disks from my archives. Assumed the drive wasn't supported, so I performed a manual configuration. Seemed to work for CDs, then when I tried to configure for DVD+Rs, got an error message that Retrospect was unable to configure for DVD+Rs on that drive, generating an error message to Retrospect.


Hit the forums and checked the release updates, didn't see that the Pioneer drive was supported, but tried removing the .rdi files the configuring had generated anyways, just in case. That only resulted in Retrospect not even seeing the drive.


(Yes, drive is working, was able to write to it using Roxio Toast, and read resulting DVD+R disk.)


As I have dozens of DVD+Rs archiving previous work (using Retrospect), this is a serious problem. I need to be able to access those disks. Everything worked fine with the previous optical drive.


Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

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As I have dozens of DVD+Rs archiving previous work (using Retrospect), this is a serious problem. I need to be able to access those disks. Everything worked fine with the previous optical drive.


Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?


Probably the first thing you did wrong was to purchase a replacement optical drive that wasn't listed as being compatible with Retrospect. Installing an internal drive in a G5 tower is trivially easy, so your best route might be to simply replace the new Pioneer, or heck, isn't there room in that monster case for a second optical disk drive?


(I) tried removing the .rdi files the configuring had generated anyways, just in case. That only resulted in Retrospect not even seeing the drive.

Not seeing the drive where?

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Thanx for the help.


I see the Pioneer 117D drive is listed as qualified for Macs, but not the 116D... Am I wrong in thinking this is ridiculous? I don't remember seeing a warning on the product listing when we bought this software that warned that it only works on certain drives.


I guess the next step is to contact EMC Squared and ask them where we should send the bill for the extra time spent on re-ordering and reinstalling a new drive...

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Found this in their manual: "Retrospect supports all drives which appear as volumes on the Desktop." So having to buy a different drive shouldn't be the answer.

Sorry, but you misunderstand. That sentence is referring to magnetic disk drives, not optical drives.


Retrospect uses a special set of commands (so that optical backup sets can be appended) that some optical drives don't fully support.


If the optical drive is not listed in the supported drives database, then it's not supported until Retrospect programmers come up with the necessary parameters for it for a Retrospect Driver Update. Sorry, but that's the way it is. And don't expect any future additions to the supported drives for Retrospect 6.x. The product has moved on to Retrospect 8.


Wish I could be more encouraging. Your best hope is to locate a supported drive and purchase that. Here's a link to the supported devices database:

Retrospect supported devices


That's the way it has always been with backup software and optical drives or tape media. Choose the software, then choose hardware supported by the software. You have an unsupported drive. That's your fault for purchasing the wrong drive. Deal with it.



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